Building America since 1933 .....

Most historians and conservationist consider the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) to be one of the most significant social and conservation iniatives in America’s history. Born from the despair of the great depression and the dust bowl, the CCC helped transform the lives of millions of citizens while greatly advancing natural resource management in America.
Today's Corps are state, local and non-profit programs that engage primarily youth and young adults (ages 16-25) in full-time conservation, community service, training and educational activities. As with the CCC of the 1930's, many individuals come to Corps looking for a second chance to succeed in life and carry out a wide range of conservation, urban infrastructure improvement, and human service projects.
Corps budgets come from "sponsored projects" or fee-for-service revenue with the balance from variety of Federal sources, state, county and municipal appropriations and foundation and corporate grants.
According to a 1997 Abt Associates/ Brandeis University study, Corps generate a positive return on investment and the youth involved were positively affected by joining a Corps. Learn More About Todays Corps ........
Corps have been a part of the American experience since the 1930's and have engaged millions of young Americans. Participants have benefited from the opportunity for personal growth and the ability to contribute to the greater good. Society has benefited greatly from enhanced recreational opportunities and a vast array of projects on public lands which contribute to the environment, local communities and the nation.
Conservation Corps......
.... an Investment in America's Future
is a site designed for those
interested in investigating the
history and development of
conservation corps programs.