Conservation Corps
Building America since 1933 .....
Conservation Corps in the Media ~ 1937 

1937 - When Death Rides the Forest by Val T. Hanson - American Forests - January 1937. 

1937 - A.N. Pack Says Keep Politics Out of CCC - Forestry News Digest - January 1937.   

1937 - For Permanent CCC - Forestry News Digest - January 1937.  

1937 - Meeting Problems of Negro Youth by Howard W. Oxley - School Life - January 1937.  

1937 - First Corps Area CCC Plants Trees to Mark "Sesqui" - Forestry News Digest - January 1937.   

1937 - Snow Bowl by R.S. Monahan - American Forests - January 1937.  

1937 - Forest and Camp, Fechner's CCC Stirs a Congressional Controversy Over Militarism - Literary Digest - Jan 1937.  

1937 - Black for Putting Half CCC Time in Education by R.S. Black - Forestry News Digest - February 1937.  

1937 - From CCC Camp to Employment School Life - February 1937.   

1937 - CCC Marches Toward a New Destiny: Permanent Role is Seen for America's Youth Army by Frank E. Hill.
           The New York Times - February 21, 1937.  (Magazine Section, pg 10-11)

1937 - Paul Bunyon Reads the Record of the CCC by Fred J. Murray - American Forests - April 1937.  

1937 - Radio and CCC Big Help in Fire Season - Forestry News Digest - February 1937.  

1937 - CCC and Soil Conservation in the Southwest by C.W. Granger - Soil Conservation - February 1937.   

1937 - Straw Men in the Wildernes by Fred Morrell - Nations Schools - March 1937.  

1937 - Enrollees Become Better Citizens - School Life - March 1937.    

1937 - CCC Camps Train Young Farmers by Howard W. Oxley - School Life - April 1937.  

1937 - President Asks Congress to Make CCC Permanent - Scholastic - March 17, 1934.  

1937 - The Part of the CCC in Business Recovery by Robert Fechner, Director, CCC
           Business Bulletin (Chicago) - May 1937.  

1937 - This New America by John D. Guthrie - American Forests - May 1937.  (Review)  

1937 - CCC Camps Make Summer Plans - School Life - May 1937.   

1937 - Education in the Civilian Conservation Corps Phi Delta Kappan - May 1937.  (Special Anniversary Eddition on CCC)​   
              Possibilities for Education through the CCC - Editorial.
              Educational Contribution of the CCC by Robert Fechner, Director CCC.
              Adjutant GEneral Emphasizes Importance of Educational Program by Maj. Gen. E.T. Conley.
              Growth and Accomplishments of CCC Education by Howard W. Oxley. 
              Education in CCC and European Camps by Kenneth Holland.
              Human Resources and the CCC by W. Frank Persons.
              Social and Economic Implications of Conservation by Scott Leavitt.
              Corps Area Office and Relation to Camp Educational Program by Sanford Sellers, Jr.
              Community and Camp Work Together for Guidance and Adjustment by Paul E. Williams.
              Counseling for Adjustment and Rehabilitation by Russell A. Beam.
              Job Training in the CCC by Fred Morrell.
              Informal Educational Activities by J.E. Nystrom.
              Training in Vocational Fundamentals by L.W. Rogers.
              Spiritual Welfare of the Enrollee by Col. A.J. Brasted.  
              I Talk With My CCC Boys by C.H. Blanchard.
              Use of Radio in CCC Camps by W.D. Boutwell.
              Cooperative Relations Between CCC and Educational Institutions by W.D. Weidman.
              Eye Tests in Promotion of Safety by L.L. Standley.
              Correspondence Work in Camps of 9th Corps Area by Joseph W. Burke.   
              Correspondence Work by University o Nebraska for Students of CCC by A.A. Reed.
              Michigan Supervised Correspondence Study by F.G. Stevenson.
              Research Projects in CCC Education by H.W. Oxley.
              Annotaded Bibliography - CCC.

1937 - Boys in the Woods by Walter Davenport - Colliers Magazine - May 22, 1937.    

1937 - After the CCC - What? by Jed H. Taylor - Journal of Adult Education - June 1937.   

1937 - Paul Bunyan's Rival by Fred J. Murray - Review Of Reviews - June 1937.  (pg 45)  

1937 - Can the CCC Blaze a New Trail? by Howard Rowland - Survey Graphic - June 1937.   

1937 - CCC Contributes to Human Conservation - School Life - June 1937.   

1937 - Soil Conservation and the CCC by J.C. Lindley - Soil Conservation - June 1937.   

1937 - Trailer Camps in State Parks Built by Young Sons of the CCC - National Petroleum News - June 2, 1937.  

1937 - Volcanic Editors, CCC Newsmen - Literary Digest - June 12, 1937.  

1937 - The Negro in the CCC by Edgar C. Brown - National Outlook - July 1937.   

1937 - Sunshine and Shadow by H.H. Bennett - Soil Conservation - August 1937.   

1937 - Soldiers as Educators by Henry G. Leach - Forum - August 2, 1937.  (Editorial)  

1937 - State Aid to Vacationist by Conrad L. Wirth - State Government - August 1937.   

1937 - CCC New Addicent Low - Forestry News Digest - September 1937.

1937 - Pneumonia Preventive - Time - September 13, 1937.   

1937 - CCC Education Strengthened to Meet Enrollee Needs by Howard W. Oxley, Director of CCC Camp Education.   
           Journal And News Bulletin (American Vocational Association) - September 1937.  (Vol 12, No 3, pg 151)     

1937 - The Job of the Camp Advisor - School Life - September 1937.   

1937 - CCC Education Strengthened to Meet Enrollee Needs - American Vocational Association Journal - Sep 1937 (pg 151) 

1937 - Company 5757, CCC by Company Commander - Saturday Evening Post - September 11, 1937.   

1937 - The Chaplain and the Educational Program of the CCC by Russell A. Beam - The Army Chaplain - October 1937.  

1937 -  A New School Year Opens in Camps - School Life - October 1937.   

1937 - Veterinary Inspections for the CCC by Lt. Col. Jesse D. Derrick - Veterinary Bulletin - October 1937.  

1937 - Our Adventure in Conservation - F.A. Silcox - Atlantic Monthly - November 1937.   

1937 - The Civilian Conservation Corps Program by Robert Fechner, Director CCC
            Annals Of The American Academy Of Political And Social Science - November 1937.     

1937 - The Future of the Civilian Conservation Corps by Alred R. Golze - Reclamation ERA - November 1937. 

1937 - State Education Departments Aid CCC - School Life - November 1937.   

1937 - Library Service in the Camps by H.J. Chamberlain - School Life - November 1937.    

1937 - 420 Million Trees Planted by CCC in 1937 American Lumberman - November 6, 1937.    

1937 - Training and Education Work of the CCC by Robert Fechner, Director CCC - Labor Information Bulletin - Dec 1937.  

1937 - Our Adventure in Conservation by F.A. Silcox - Atlantic Monthly - December 1937.    

1937 - Individualizing Eucation in the CCC by Howard W. Oxley - School Life - December 1937.    

1937 - CCC Issue - Articles by Robert Fechner and 8-10 other authors - Black Hills Engineer - December 1937.  .

​1937 - Civlian Conservation Corps of the U.S.A. by Robert Fechner, Director CCC - International Observer - 1937.     

Civilian Conservation Corps 1934 
Young Adult Conservation Corps 1978
Coconino Rural Environment Corps 2004
USFS Youth Conservation Corps  2000