Conservation Corps
Building America since 1933 .....
Conservation Corps in the Media ~ 1938 

1938 - New CCC in Field Forestry News Digest - January 1938.   ​

1938 - Confirmation of Enrollees by Chaplain Richard G. Dillon - The Army Chaplain - January 1938.  (pg 109)  

1938 - Developing Agricultural Training in CCC Camps by Howard W. Oxley - School Life - January 1938.  

1938 - State Foresters, at Texas Meeting, Urge the CCC Be Made Permanent Forestry News Digest - Jan 1938.

1938 - Path Plowed for Stork by CCC Workers Sheyboygan Press, Sheboygan, WI - January 26, 1938.   View   

1938 - The Office of Education - Its Clientele School Life - February 1938.  (pg 171)  

1938 - Education of Special Groups - CCC Enrollees School Life - February 1938.  (pg 221)    

1938 - National Library Service for the Civilian Conservation Corps  - School and Society - February 12, 1938.    

1938 - Significant Trends in CCC Education by Howard W. Oxley - School Life - March 1938.   

1938 - Roads Running Wild by Norman B. Livermore, Jr.
           American Forests Magazine (pg 153) - April 1938.     

1938 - CCC Issue - Articles By Robert Fechner and others - Soil Conservation - March 1938.    

1938 - Selecting 1,800,000 Young Men for the CCC by W. Frank Parsons
           Monthly Labor Review - April 1938.     

1938 - Inducting CCC Enrollees into Citizenship by Howard W. Oxley - School Life - April 1938.   

1938 - Pathways to Happiness by Fred C. Woods - The Alaska Sportsman - April 1938.  (pg 14)    

1939 - CCC - Pathfinder - April 23, 1938.   

1938 - CCC Needs Clearer Policy on Conservation - American Forests Magazine (pg 224) - May 1938.  

1938 - Civilian Conservation Corps Celebrates Fifth Birthday by Rober Fechner, Director CCC
           Forestry News Digest - May 1938.    

1938 - Graduate Students Study CCC Education by Howard W. Oxley - School Life - May 1938.   

1938 - What CCC Millions Have Ment to Youth and Folks Back Home United States News - May 16, 1938.     

1938 - CCC - Life Magazine (pg 58) - June 1938.

1938 - How CCC Helps Enrollees Find Jobs by Howard W. Oxley - Occupations - June 1938.   

1938 - Las Brigadas Civiles De Conservacion by A.J. Fors - Revista De Agricultura (Cuba) - May & June 1938.          

1938 - Visual Aids in CCC Education by Howard W. Oxley - School Life - June 1938.  

1938 - West of the 105th by Robert Fechner, Director CCC - Western Colorado - June 1938.     

1938 - Hell and High Timber by Corey Ford and Alastair MacBain - Colliers Magazine - June 25, 1938.  (pg 12)  

1938 - Austrian Youth at Work by John D. Guthrie - Journal of Forestry - July 1938.  

1938 - The CCC and the Education of the Negro Journal Of Negro Education - July 1938.  

1938 - A Municipal Park That Plants Trees by John W. Handlan - American Forests Magazine - August 1938 (pg 363) 

1938 - Winooski's River Flood Control by Maj. Paul M. Ellman - Military Engineer - July-August 1938.   

1938 - The Civilian Conservation Corps and Industry by Robert Fechner, Director CCC
           Army And Navy Journal - 75th Anniversary Edition (pg 45) - August 27, 1938.     

1938 - Conservation Corps Puts Ban on Crime by Amelia F. MacFayden
           Washington Star, Sunday Magazine Section - September 4, 1938.   

1938 - The Story of the CCC Look Magazine - September 28, 1938.   

1938 - CCC Takes Its Place in the American Scene by Robert Fechner, Director CCC
           Forestry News Digest - October 1938.    

1938 - CCC Enrollees Go to College by Howard W. Oxley - School Life - October 1938.   

1938 - Safety in the Three C's by Robert Fechner, Director CCC - Safety Engineering - October 1938.  (pg 19)   

1938 - The Editor's Log by Ovid Butler - American Forests - November 1938.  (pg 485)   

1938 - State Vocational Departments Aid CCC Education by Howard W. Oxley - School Life - November 1938.  

1938 - Picture Story of a Maryland CCC Camp Baltimore Sunday American (Magazine Section) November 6, 1938.  

1938 - A CCC Fire Fighter Speaks Out by T.B. Traphagen - American Forests - December 1938.  

1938 - Education in the CCC, 1937-38 by Howard W. Oxley - School Life - December 1938.   

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Civilian Conservation Corps 1934
Young Adult Conservation Corps 1980
Coconino Rural Environment Corps 2001
Southwest Conservation Corps  2009