Conservation Corps
Building America since 1933 .....
Conservation Corps in the Media ~ 1990's

1990 - Special Places by Norman L. Hesseldahl - USFS News Item - February 1990.     View
           Brief History of Camp Angell on the Oregon Coast (CCC- Conscientious Objectors Camp - Job Corp Conservation Center)  

1990 - Old CCC Camps to Get Signs The Forest Republican, Crandon, WI - August 9, 1990.  (WI CC)    View 

1990 - Conservation Corps Built Characters: 1930's Laborers Tamed Nature, Developed Skills by Joan McKenna
           The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - October 7, 1990.    View

1990 - Waging Peace: If War Can Inspire and Galvanize Society, Why Couldn't a Bloodless Crusade Against Domestic 
           Enemies do the Same? by Robert Lowes - Washington University - Winter 1990.  (pgs 8-13)  

1991 - Youth Spent in CCC Links Past, Present by Jim Files - The Apache Junction Independent (AZ) April 3-9, 1991.  View

1991 - Old Fire Tower Becomes New Museum Exhibit by Katy Whitehouse.
           The Payson Roundup, Payson, AZ - April 10, 1991  (pg 1)  (CCC built tower from Mt. Ord)    View

1991 - Arizona Conservation Corps Kicks Off Program in Globe - Arizona Silver Belt, Globe, AZ - April 18, 1991.  

1991 - Cactizonians: The Civilian Conservation Corps in Pima County, 1933-1942 - Journal of Arizona History  32(3):291-332  

1991 - Conservation Corps Work "A Lot Dirtier" Than Expected by Cheryl Swanson
            Yuma Daily Sun, Yuma, AZ - May 11, 1991.   (Arizona Conservation Corps)    View

1991 - Arizona Conservation Corps "Cleaning Up" Tonto Natural Bridge by Jerry Thebado
           Payson Roundup, Payson, AZ - May 22, 1991.     View 

1991 - A 1930's Model With a 1990's Twist by Brian Burns, Karen Trush and Ann Harrison-Kravis
           The Conservationsit Magazine - May-June 1991.   (New York State Conservation Corps)        View PDF    

1991 - Might Be Time to Revive CCC Youth Program by Ev Moses  
           The Prescott Courier, Prescott, AZ - July 12, 1991.  

1991 - CCC Dedication at Pueblo Park Campground (NM) - Southwestern Region News, USFS, Abq, NM - Sep 1991. 

1991 - Task Force of Youths a Natural by Steve Yozwiak  
           The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - November 28, 1991.  (Arizona Conservation Corps)

1991 - State Conservation Corps Fills Bills by Tim Foust - The Arizona Daily Star, Tucson, AZ - November 29, 1991.

1992 - ACC to Complete Off-Highway Vehicle Projects in Payson by Jerry Thebado
           Payson Roundup, Payson, AZ - January 1992.       View

1992 - Three Makeshift Roads Being Fenced to Protect Riparian Area by Robert L. Felling
            Cottonwood Journal Extra, Cottonwood, AZ - January 23, 1992.  (Arizona Conservation Corps)  

1992 - Fence Built to Protect Riparian Area by Wendy Sweet
           Cottonwood Journal Extra, Cottonwood, AZ - March 19. 1992.  (Arizona Conservation Corps)   

1992 - Civilian Corps led by U.S. Military is the Answer - The Kansas City Star - May 13, 1992.  (Opinion)  

1992 - Lesson's of the 30's: Not the Dole, Not Welfare, But Work by David Boren and Harris Wofford
           The Washington Post - May 21, 1992.     View  

1992 - New Deal's WPA and CCC Enjoy Renewed Vogue as Nation Faces Issues of Poverty, Urban Decay 
           by Alan Murray - The Wall Street Journal - June 1, 1992.     

1992 - ACC Grads Off to a Good Start by Jan Stevens 
           Arizona Daily Sun, Flagstaff, AZ - July 4, 1992.     View

1992 - YCC at 30 by Rob Dieslein - Wisconsin Natural Resources - August 1992.    View

1992 - Bush to Offer Plan to Broaden Job Training by Albert R. Karr - The Wall Street Journal - August 24, 1992.  

1992 - MRCC III Was Hard Work and Fun - On Corps, WiCC Newsletter - October 1992.    View

1992 - WCC Hosts Visitors From National Youth Service of Botswana - On Corps, WiCC Newsletter - Aug/Sep 1992   View

1992 - Spirit of Old CCC Lives On for Youth Today: Work Etthic Learned in Group Run for Young People
           by Jim Michaels - Union Tribune, San Diego, CA - October 23, 1992.  (NASCC Convention, Urban Corps SD)   

1992 - Rescue Mission: Depression-Era Corps Inspires Test Program for "At Risk" Youths by Joseph N. Boyce
           The Wall Street Journal Nov 25, 1992.  (Durham, NC)    

1993 - Community Service Plan Scaled Back:  Deficit Pinches Clinton's "Dream"
            by Mary Jordan and Ann Devroy - The Washington Post - February 4, 1993.  

1993 - Time to View America's Youth as a National Resource to Tap by Harris Wofford
           The Philadelphia Inquirer - March 2, 1993.  (Pennsylvania Youth Corps as a Model)    

1993 - Local CCC Marks Sixth Year by Buck Peden - The Daily Californian - March 8, 1993.  (CCC Alumni)  

1993 - Return of the Soil Soldiers by Lawrence W. Cheek - Arizona Highways - April 1993.  (vol 69, no 4)    View

1993 - Trail Nears Completion at Homolovi Ruins State Park by Ada Juanita Walters
           The Winslow Mail, Winslow, AZ - April 14, 1993.   (AZ Conservation Corps)      View 

1993 - Local Alumni Cite Need for Modern Conservation Corps Daily News-Sun, Sun City, AZ - May 1, 1993.    View  

1993 - The C's Recall Life in Depression Project: Conservation Corps Alumni at Canyon by Steve Yoswiak
           The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - May 3, 1993.    View  

1993 - ACC Helps Smokey Bear Payson Roundup, Payson, AZ - May 21, 1993.    View

1993 - Crew Finishes Wall at Teritorial Prison: Cooperation, Discipline, Social Values Play Role in Conservation 
           Corps Efforts by Cheryl Swanson - Yuma Daily Sun, Yuma, AZ - June 14, 1993.    View

1993 - Revive Roosevelt's CCC by Stephen E. Ambrose - New York Times (Op-Ed) - July 16, 1993.  

1993 - Chinese Delegation Visits WCC - On Corps, WiCC Newsletter - August 1993 (10-7)    View

1994 - Governor's Ofice Goes to Great Heights to Praise Arizona Conservation Corps    
           The Beacon, Governor's Office of Community Programs & Public Outreach - Summer 1994.    View   

1994 - It's a Three State, Four Star Effort: GMRRC Crew Handles Flood Relief on the Mississippi 
           On Corps, WiCC Newsletter - September 1994.  (Issue 11-7)    View

1994 - Outdoor Corps by DeWayne Smith - The Phoenix Gazette, Phoenix, AZ (D4) - September 29, 1994.   View

1995 - Americorps Travels Statewide To Help Our Forests by Virginia Gibbons
           The Coconino National Forest Pine Log - January 1995.  (Team USDA/Arizona Conservation Corps)   View   

1995 - Training Corps Fixes Public Areas by Ryan King
           The Arizona Republic/The Phoenix Gazette, Phoenix, AZ - January 4, 1995.  (AZ Conservation Corps)     View

1995 - Americorps Participants Serve Hungry by Dave Olson
           Arizona Food Lines - February 1995.  (Arizona Conservation Corps)     View

1995 - AmeriCorps Works - Don't Kill It by Michael Gartner - USA Today (11A) - February 28, 1995.  

1995 - CCC Passes Their Legacy on to the Next Generation Senior World
            March 1995.   (NACCCA, NCCC, CA CC, UCSD)    View    

1995 - Corps Could Give Forests a Boost by Lukas Velush - Arizona Daily Sun, Flagstaff, AZ - August 2, 1995. 

1995 - Canyon Helps Ex-Gang Member Lead New Life by Lukas Velush - AZ Daily Sun, Flagstaff, AZ - Aug 25, 95.  View

1995 - Canyon Cleaners: Cews Clear Top Trail by Lukas Velush - Arizona Daily Sun, Flagstaff, AZ - August 25, 1995.  

1996 - George Foreman Credits Job Corps The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ  - July 25, 1996.   View    

1996 - Charles Pflugh Calls Years in CCC "the Best " of His Life by Mary R. Furbee - Times West Virginian - Aug 1, 1996. 

1996 - Youth Corps Demonstrate Promising Results by Jastrab and Blomquist 
           Workforce Investment Quarterly (Vol 3, No 4, pgs 31-37) - Fall 1996.   

1997 - Conserving the Youth: The Civilian Conservation Corps Experience in the Shenandoah National Park 
           by Patrick Clancy - Virginia Magazine of History & Biography 105 - (No 4, 439-472) 

1997 - AmeriCorps Takes Flag Trash Sites to the Cleaners by Kelley Carlson. 
           Arizona Daily Sun, Flagstaff, AZ - June 9, 1997  (State-Wide AmeriCorps Gathering)

1997 - Small Army Aids Area: Corps Members Clean Up Forest, Renovate Homes by Damian Aros.
           Arizona Daily Sun, Flagstaff, AZ - September 25, 1997  (CREC)  

1998 - Sinclair Wash Becomes Living Laboratory and Community Restoration Project 
           Ecological Restoration News, Northern AZ University.  (CREC)

1998 - Timber by Amy Maestas - Durango Herald, Durango, CO - August 21, 1998  (CREC)

1998 - Making a Difference in Flagstaff by Jan Stevens 
           Arizona Daily Sun, Flagstaff, AZ - October 22, 1998  (CREC) 

1998 - Board Eyes AmeriCorps for Fort Tuthill Work by G.E. Roybal.
           Arizona Daily Sun, Flagstaff, AZ - December 8, 1998  (CREC) 

1990 - Is the Civilian Conservation Corp of the 1930s a 1990s Approach to Dropouts and Illiteracy? by Arlene Barry
           Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 42 - May 1999.   ($2, No 8)

1999 - Meeting the First Lady Arizona Daily Sun, Flagstaff, AZ - May 30, 1999  (CREC)  

1999 - CCC Park, Museum Sought: New Mexico Campsite is Favored by Veterans by Ollie Reed Jr. 
           Albuquerque Tribune - June 11, 1999  (A-14) 

1999 - What's the Buzz?, Keeping Flagstaff Safe From Fire by Bonnie Holmes.
           Flagstaff Live, Flagstaff, AZ - June 24-20, 1999 (Vol 5, Issue 25)   (CREC)   

​1999 - The Veteran - On Corp, WICC Newsletter - Sept 1999.  (Issue 16-9)    View

Civilian Conservation Corps 1934
Young Adult Conservation Corps 1979
Coconino Rural Environment Corps 2003
Wisconsin Conservation Corps  1988